The embassy of the Netherlands in Kampala moved office and acquired, through the Dutch ministry of foreign affairs for some Ebifananyi to brighten the walls. I proposed to produce two diptychs, based on, respectively, Ebifananyi 4, and Ebifananyi 8. On the left of ach diptych is a photograph that was made in an early stage of the research and is included in the book. On the right are four photographs that were produced after -and as a result of- the availability of the publication. With Ebifananyi 6 this concerns the remakes of historical photographs made with students of St. Mary’s College in Kisubi. With Ebifananyi 4 you see some of the outcomes of my attempts to keep the content of the book alive.
The works are part of the art collection of the ministry, who also provided me with the in situ photographs.